
“圣佩拉吉亚”的开采地距离新库兹涅茨克机场仅 110 公里,距离著名的滑雪胜地谢列格什60公里。西伯利亚铁路干线(又称“西伯利亚大铁路”)的阿普洪站距离采石场仅15 公里,是距离采石场最近的火车站。




克麦罗沃州以其优美的景色、山脉和丰富的自然资源而闻名,因此这些也是该地区的主要景点。我们的别拉戈耶夫洛克(Pelageev Log)采石场毗邻位列当地著名景点之一的谢列格什滑雪场,滑雪场享有“西伯利亚瑞士”之称。


14,9 hectares

The total area of the quarry

2 million m3

Geological reserves of block marble

18-20 tons

The quarry daily extracts marble blocks of 1C category

196 years

Reserves of marble quarry



  • Geographically, the Kemerovo region, of which the Saint Pelagia quarry is a part, is situated approximately in the middle between Moscow and Vladivostok. Therefore, it is a crucial part of all major logistics routes connecting the European part of Russia with the Far Eastern regions.
  • Thanks to its strategic location, the Saint Pelagia marble quarry boasts not only developed infrastructure but also a robust logistics network. We deliver Saint Pelagia blocks and slabs throughout Russia and beyond.
  • The Saint Pelagia quarry is located just 110 km away from Novokuznetsk Airport.
  • 60 km from the popular ski resort of Sheregesh
  • Only 15 km from the quarry is the nearest railway station, Apkhun, which is part of the famous Trans-Siberian Railway, also known as the "Great Siberian Route."

克麦罗沃州以其优美的景色、山脉和丰富的自然资源而闻名,因此这些也是该地区的主要景点。我们的别拉戈耶夫洛克(Pelageev Log)采石场毗邻位列当地著名景点之一的谢列格什滑雪场,滑雪场享有“西伯利亚瑞士”之称。




  • Sheregesh

    The Kemerovo region is renowned for its nature, natural resources, and mountains, which are the main attractions of the region. Our "Pelageev Log" quarry is located near one of them - the Sheregesh ski resort, often referred to as the "Siberian Switzerland."

  • Tashtagolsky district

    Tourist routes in Shoria do not require special training and are accessible to all. The most famous attraction is the Shorsky National Park, located in the southern part of the Kemerovo region in the Tashtagolsky district.

  • Shorsky National Park

    The highest points within the national park are Mount Kubez (1555 m) and Mount Lysukha (1648 m). The main water artery is the Mrassu River, with a length of 181 km within the park's boundaries.

  • Mountain Shoria is a true fairy

    Mountain Shoria is a true fairy tale world in the heart of the pristine taiga. It is surrounded by mountains on all sides, where the Sayan Mountains, Altai Mountains, and the southwestern foothills of the Kuznetsk Alatau converge. This region has its own unique microclimate, where the mountains and rivers have their own legends.